

  • Thanks, I also do that weekend splurging with cutbacks during the week, glad to know that I'm not the only one. Maybe I just ate the wrong things during the last week. My fiance drives me crazy because he eats whatever he wants and never gains a pound, its just not fair and it makes it even harder for me to eat the right…
  • Thanks for the info everyone, I'm not actually eating 2000 calories, it's been a long time since I ate that much, I just assumed that 1800-2000 was the diet range for maintaining weight. I am hoping you are right and that it is just water weight, I will keep monitoring and see what happens.
  • I have not tried it personally, but a friend of mine did and she lost around 5 pounds in a week! But she also said it was really difficult at times and she was always hungry
  • First: Backstreet Boys when i was 12 Last: Korn about a month ago ...quite the change over the years :tongue:
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