

  • Agree with both of the above. Also, weight is only one of many things that a thyroid issue can affect. It could be an issue contributing to the challenge of losing wt but that would depend on if its over or under active. But losing weight or not--- a possible thyroid issue is something you should follow-up with your doctor…
  • I joined MFP in Jan but just joined this group. I was a pack a day smoker & quit cold turkey on 12/10/12. Instead of smoking, I ate pretty much everything that wasnt nailed down ;) I did this for about 3wks before I got serious with eating healthy again & working out. I remember saying "I will pay a trainer with money I…
  • Smoke free for 72 days &/or 10 weeks, 1 day, 14 hrs & 52 min :)
  • I love pasta too much to give it up & do not think I should have to. I eat pasta once a wk & am still losing weight + inches. I eat the healthier ones they have available, make my own sauces, eat smaller portion & eat it earlier in the day (cook night before & take for lunch the next), I also try to plan my pasta days for…
  • Ha! Love it!! :D
  • I was stuck in the low 170's for most of 2011 & 2012 but take full responsibility for being stuck---I stopped pushing myself & got content with maintaining. I stopped working out & quit smoking in 2012 (Not a lovely combo at all!). I am new here too & I am not back in 170's yet but key word is "yet." I am determined to be…
  • It will get better :) After 3 wks, I went back & compared my 1st wk to the most recent one. The improvements were amazing! I am sure you will be able to do the same. It just takes a bit of time to balance it out. I cut my sodium intake by over 60% in just the first wk of holding myself accountable. Good luck! You can do…
  • Originally from MD (near DC area) but living in SC now :smile:
  • Thanks for bringing this up! I was not counting the hot tea I drink every day but I will now :)