

  • thanks!
  • Yes, im prepared to lose slowly :) also one more thing, does all this count no matter what time of day you exercise? As in whatever I have during the day wont get burned off from exercise since I do it first thing in the morning
  • thank you everyone, I think I understand a bit better now! I care about muscle too, so i'll have a go at reducing my cardio and upping my calories, ill see what happens
  • I see, is this enough to lose a pound a week? I'm wary of going under 1200. Also i'm exercising everyday, 4 days cardio, 3 strength
  • I assume it was just for exercise, as I told them im sedentary otherwise. I just want to start off the right foot, and i've had no real guidance with anything like this before so its all confusing, online im told to eat around 1200 a day to reach my goals
  • medium/high activity but I think that was just based on my exercise and not what I do during the day like work etc, it was 2639
  • hello, I didn't get one for my calories to maintain, well at least I don't think so, I got an average energy required intake based on my activity, would that be it?
  • hello? :P
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