carolmags Member


  • I lost 1lb per week on 1200 cals per day for 8 weeks running then stalled for 4 weeks. I upped my calories last week to 1400 and have lost 1lb this week.
  • I started on prozac 8 years ago and rapidly gained weight. Ive gone from a uk size 12/14 to 18. Last year I was changed to venlaflaxine to help with my "hot flashes". Altogether I have gained 35lbs over the 8 years and my GP says it's not the antidepressants causing this weight gain. I asked to have my thyroid checked and…
  • After feeling bad for years over my 35lb weight gain (it got out of control when I had to take anti-depressants) Christmas day was the final straw. 5 pairs of jeans tried on before I found a pair that fit. My blouse was way too tight but it had fit me perfectly the last time I wore it. I felt so bad I could have cried. I…