Morning everyone! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!
Yes HYE caught a shark while fishing?
inflatable slide blower upper
those eyes. and lips. and hair. all of it!
thank you. now it's in mine
anybody else's coworkers bring a ridiculous amount of donuts today???? Mine did. best friend did. told her we might have to break up for the day.
rash documenter at an std clinic
he was constantly bringing me bouquets of poison ivy :|
hahahahhaha - it says PEACE!!!!
cup #2 :smiley:
Friday looks perfect on everybody!
Friday y'all!
coffee is perfect in all forms. I love it. It loves me.
Morning y'all!
❤️❤️❤️❤️ youda best! Crush you back long time!
I'm packing up and hitting the road, guys! Have a safe weekend - send up a kiss or prayer for the armed services <3
sheep farmer by day....PBR by night
I think we're soulmates
I can talk guy stuff! Football? Fishing? Punching stuff?
I like bright colors on my toes too. Pink is my FAVE color eva, so it's usually some shade of ridiculous hooker pink. fingers are usually pink/white acrylics.
you can pick a favorite for your woman!
paper towel holder at pie eating contests
so what's everyone's favorite nail polish color?
Chair twerking.....please excuse me
YMCA basket weaving instructor
Elephant trainer
30 more minutessssssss
Welcome...don't be ashamed to jump right in
Ok. Ummmm so what else is happening y'all?