Eiros Member


  • I dont want them and never have. Truthfully anyone who wants me to respect the fact they they wanted kids should do me the same courtesy. I hate it when I hear that people who don't intend on having kids are selfish. Whether we "want" or "don't want", both are desires and not necessities. So who's to say one is more…
  • Thanks for all the help!!! Will keep a closer eye on my fat sources and try not to go so low on calories.
  • I have a problem with anything thats sitting around open waiting for me. At work I pass a bowl of wrapped chocolates every day its to hard to resist!!!!!
  • I also have been recommended the 1200 calorie limit but I find I can still lose almost a pound a week on 1300-1400 calories! I guess it just depends on the person. I personally think 1200 is the lowest anyone should go. A few years ago I got to 100lbs on 1300 calories a day (I'm 5'3) so you can still lose weight if you eat…