This is what I saw this morning Just get it done, your body will thank you.
Very Well done!
[/quote] I did, funny enough. Many more google links for asian squat without being xenophobic. GG, GJ.[/quote]
Then out spake brave Horatius, The Captain of the Gate: ``To every man upon this earth Death cometh soon or late. And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds, For the ashes of his fathers, And the temples of his gods
That was awesome, I wasn't feeling like running today. Now I do. Thanks for the boost!
Interested as well, I have had it on and off for 10 years. Mostly when I was in construction, however weightlifting has caused it to flair up to the point that I could hardly hold a pen. My experience has been that it is not something that you can push through. For me, it keeps getting worse until I take some time off. My…
I do not know how it works in NZ, however in Canada there is little to no private health care. It is all public
I have had my flex one week and I am happy so far. I have found it to be fairly accurate. On the website you can see your steps walked in 15 min intervals, and usually you remember what you were doing at that time. I have had it driving, and for a significant period I was also standing and handing things to people. It did…
Bump to re-read later
Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger - And yes, I am old :)