mtidman Member


  • HI, You just told my story! I didn't think anyone else had this problem I have been actively working on this for months. I eat less than 1200 cals per day, work out 4-5 times a week, drink water like a fish, watch everything that goes in my mouth, cut out breads and starches completely and an very Type A about my diet. No…
  • My favorite Protein shake I have every morning is similar to Dr. Oz's Smoothie: 1 cup FF Milk 1 scoop (1/2 serving) Chocolate Whey Protein Powder 1/2 banana 1Tsp cinnamon 1 Tbls. Ground Flaxseed Meal 1 Tbls. Psyllium 1 Tbls. sliced almonds Sweetner to taste. I am Hypoglycemic and I find that this shake holds my blood sugar…