

  • That's a good point-- the maintenance. I believe that low-carb would be much easier for me to maintain. Like I said, I already have a problem staying under my goal, and I'm constantly obsessing about what I'm eating and how many I have left. It stresses me out more to try to count calories than carbs, because there are so…
  • scubasuenc, thaks for all that. I have around 60 pounds to lose, so MFP automatically sets my limit to 1200. Which I pretty constantly have trouble staying under. In the past two weeks, I've stayed under my goal a total of (1) time. It's really discouraging, which is why I'm debating switchting to carb counting again.…
  • Thanks! I've always heard that you have to pick one or the other, carbs or calories. Obviously, if you go low-carb you can't just completely forget about calories and eat tons of things that have no to low carb count. And the other way around. But tracking both was a bad idea. I never asked why. My problem with low-cal is…
  • Yeah, which is why I was planning on buying some Prilosec or similar if I decide to do low carb. It will manage my acid reflux and enable me to follow it without problem. No, I don't go out of my way to avoid them; I just usually don't eat a lot veggies and fruits anyway because I don't really like them. I may have a…
  • SW: 165 CW: 160 GW: 115-120 That will put me at the higher side of a "normal" BMI (I'm 4'11"), but I plan to gain muscle as I lose fat.
  • First, I do not want to lose weight for my boyfriend. He tells me that I don't need to lose weight if I don't want to. Yes, I want him to be proud of me. But he is nothing but supportive. The thing about my boyfriend thinking I have a problem is that he thinks I need to go to psychological counseling. Not that he thinks I…