God I love food. I think about it all of the time - I think for the whole of my adult life I have been this way - I can't remember a time when I wasn't anyway. I think about what I have just eaten. What I am about to eat. When can I eat next. What social events have I got on this week that involve food. And now I'm doing…
I get 25g of sugar a day, my pomegranate alone was 26g... already im scuppered! I don't tend to eat much processed foods and things, so most of my sugar in take usually comes from the few pieces of fruit i eat a day.
Im in! I get married on 1st March and have my dress fitting 1st feb... so Christmas is kinda almost the halfway mark between now and then. I have loads of big events on before Christmas: hen-doo's, two weddings, my best friends 30th, not to mention all of the festivities! Wishful Goal: 18lbs Realistic goal: 10 lbs Good…
please include me thanks
I got through it! I'd love toast. Think I might start saving enough for a slice!