SamGieTa Member


  • Weekly Goal: 2,500 Mon: 406 (45 minutes of Insanity's Cardio Power and Resistance) Tues: 0 (Was unable to fit any kind of exercise today :/ ) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned) Sun:…
  • First time here, so I'm going to start small for this week. Weekly Goal: 2,500 Mon: 406 (45 minutes of Insanity's Cardio Power and Resitance) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat:…