Paleo no, however, one need not be 100% compliant. I've read 80% is good and if all you're having is some rolled oats in a drink, then you should be well in the range. As others have said, if it's working for you then enjoy. At least that's my opinion. I also feel the same way about corn. I will eat grilled corn on the cob…
I don't think you can. I was hoping you knew :-) If I remember correctly, you might be able to do that on FitDay, but I don't really want to invest the time in yet another logging site.
I personally don't save them and I don't feel obligated to eat them all either. I look at the calorie count for the week and the month hoping the overs/unders all balance out. Have you reset the macro nutrient goals? I eat mostly paleo (I have slipped on a few pieces of pizza and a lasagne :-) ) For the most part, though 9…
I too log daily. Feel free to add me tool:smile:
400 done in 11 sets of 20 and 12 sets of 15. Off to work. Thanks for the daily mini challenge!
I'm in. 360 to go...:smile:
Done! 25/20/5/10/10/5/5/5/5/5/2/3 used 10 lb dumbells. Glad I found this daily challenge!
Lots of great advice here. I'm in the same boat. I did the weigh in yesterday and am 20 lbs heavier than I thought (275 when in reality it was 295). I'm focusing on one day at a time and trying to have realistic expectations.
Nice work!
My goal is to build and maintain healthy habits. Ideally I'd like to be between 220 and 240 lbs. I'm 6'2", 295 right now. I've yo yo'd for a long time. When I was eating whatever I wanted, but working out like a mad man, I was hovering at 250. I started a new project that I've used to creep into a sedentary life and the…