tessaainge Member


  • Yes but you also have to understan that every person is different and what works for one may not work for someone else. I eat a 1000 calories to lose weight but to maintain i do eat alot more. At the end end of the day it is what works for you, and being negative doesn't help anybody.
  • i eat 1000 calories a day on a diet but i have too otherwise the weight wont shift, People tell me i should eat more all the time but its frustrating as i have in the past and the scales won't budge. I know my own body though, do what you think and if your losing weight thats great x x
  • I also say to maintain is harder than losing good luck with your journey x
  • Hi there i only have 14lbs to go and think its going to be tough to get this last bit off. Feel free to add me for support x x
  • Hi mate i am also near the end of the weight loss journey, I have lost 116lbs altogether and now face the final countdown of 14lbs to go, I know its going to be tough to get this last bit off so message me if you want to help each other x x x
  • Am offering my support to anyone who needs it feel free to add me as a friend have lost 116lbs so fat and 14 lbs till my goal weight, would love to help and inspire people :smile: :smile:
  • Hello my lovelies i used to be 270 lbs and now weigh 154lbs i would love to be help someone through there weight loss journey as after two kiddies i have managed to keep the weight off for 7 years. I would be be a great friend and would like to think i could help you keep motivated through the difficult journey your…