It can be a really tough idea to let go of. When you've had that idea in your head for a long time, its really tough to push that aside and realize that you are capable of changing that. Keep working hard and you certainly can achieve your goals!
Thanks for reading! My parents have been extremely supportive of my weight loss and tell me all the time how proud of me they are. I've tried to get both of them onboard with eating healthy and basic exercise but neither one of them have stuck with it. I haven't given up on trying to make that happen but in the end its…
Thank you everyone for all the kind words and support. As far as tips go, just keep at it and forgive yourself when you slip up. You will get frustrated at times when you don't see results but keep pushing yourself to find out what you're really capable of. When I started this journey, I said that I was going to lose 85…
Thank you all for the support and encouragement! :)
About 7 months in. Still a work in progress