

  • I was 320, lost down to 270 in 8 long months, took a summer off, lost an additional 30 pounds (240) gained back 20 for about a year and I am not on a quest for 200 pounds! Keep up the good work!
    in :( Comment by dankolle January 2011
  • Your body will adjust, but don't try to cut too many calories or your weight loss won't stick. What I do when I have a craving is: First, check my daily totals. If I have calories left use them...you cant do it all in one day! Second, think if I am eating because of habbit or because I am really hungry. Third, check for…
  • What types of foods to you normally eat? Something I struggle with isn't so much "what can I eat" as it is "how much can I eat"?
    in day 1 Comment by dankolle January 2011