

  • Yes, it can be hard but you must try to do what the doctor is asking you to do. First you have to get the mind set that you want to be healthy for YOU first. Don't get discouraged before you begin. Just start speaking and thinking positive that today is the day that I take charge and control of my life. Best wishes to you.
  • I live in Oklahoma City and glad to be a part of "myfitness pal. I joined the YMCA today and looking forward to getting back in the swing of things. Using food diary has been an excellent aide. By keeping the diary, I already see where I need to make changes in my diet. Anybody else from the Oklahoma City area?
  • I also will be going to the YMCA and I will be going 3 times a week. 2 weekdays and a Saturday/Sunday. Joining again for the 2nd time. I pack my gym bag the night before and ready to exercise after work. If I go home to change clothes to go to the Y, I will never get there. I tried going to the Y before work, that did not…