EHmommy Member


  • I never got a chance to check in on Friday. I was down 1 pound! Yay!! My goal for last week was to get moving, but I guess I'll make that my goal for this week also. I just can't seem to fit it in. My youngest is not sleeping through the night and still gets up 2-4 times a night. If not for that, I would try getting up…
  • Great! I'll start weighing in with you guys next week. My goal for this week: GET UP OFF MY BUTT!!!!!! I'm so lazy with exercise it's embarassing! I have no excuse (besides the two children on my heels, haha!) not to exercise. We have a treadmill and a Wii. I have Zumba for the Wii and I want so badly to get back on the…
  • Wow! What an inspiration you are!
  • Yay!! What day do you guys weigh-in? A little about me: I am a 30 y/o, married mama to two great boys. My oldest is four and youngest is seven months. I have been overweight pretty much my whole life. I have yo-yo dieted forever. In the past, I have successfully lost as much as 60 pounds, but as you can see, I gained it…
  • I would like to know about the exercise thing also. I have trouble fitting it in and I am mostly a SAHM (work one day per week). There just always seems to be other things to do. I think this is partly avoidance on my part :ohwell:
  • Hi there! Is this group open to new members?
  • I have Feb 07 and Nov 10 babies. I've been overweight for as long as I can remember. Just before meeting DH eleven years ago, I had lost 60 pounds. Over the next six years, I gained it all back. With my first LO, I was back to pre-pg weight within four months with just breastfeeding. Not this time! I have about ten pounds…