ohtheveganity Member


  • Fitnessblender fitnessblender fitnessblender. Best free workouts ever, and all for free (they sell 8 week programs that tell you what workouts to actually do but all the videos themselves are free) They're doing a really great thing and I kind of want them to take over the world so seriously, check their HIIT videos out!
  • I think that's more to get you into the routine of eating healthy? Like if you're just so used to eating the same thing for breakfast lunch and dinner it might feel wrong to break the habit. I personally think that it wouldn't work. I get into a routine of eating healthy where I don't want to cheat myself, but I keep it…
  • For some people going vegan overnight works, and for some it doesn't. It also can really depend on why you are doing it. Someone who has very strong ethical dilemmas with eating animal products might have more resolve than someone doing it for health, but even that is not always the case. I was able to go vegetarian all at…
  • I'm vegan! Been vegan for almost a year now (11 months.) I chalk up 30 pounds of my weight loss to JUST my diet, because I didn't start REALLY exercising until a few months ago!
  • Yeah, I'm used to working out. I usually do 40 minutes when I get home from school at three but it really just got in the way of everything else I have to do. I did my usual workout, no more or less intense than usual.
  • I eat super light dinners, which I guess would be a bad thing if I'm trying to run off previous day energy for working out. But if I eat something substantial like a bar before I work out my stomach gets all gurgly while I'm doing things. Do you think that just some vegetables or something would get me through a 45 minute…
  • Thanks for the advice :)
  • They are indeed the best, right!? You should totally read Divergent and the Mortal Instruments :D
  • I've actually been wondering the same thing. About 5 years ago when I was 13 I had what doctors now might consider a slight case of anorexia (so they've said.) I ate around 300-500 calories a day and took my dieting to the extreme. I weighed 101 pounds at 5'2" and wanted nothing more than to be 80 pounds. No matter how…
  • I weight myself throughout the week basically whenever I feel like it. I only record my weight on Sunday or Monday mornings, it depends (usually if I don't see the scale move much on Sunday...I'll try again Monday :) It might be cheating, but I don't care!) Our bodies fluctuate so much that seeing a pound gain can be…
  • Yes, it is heaven on a plate!! Pureed avocado with garlic, lemon juice, and basil. Mmmmm :D I love vegan food.
  • Thanks everyone. I eat usually over 1200 a day, which was my goal set by MFP (which I upped to 1300.) So the only reason my net calories is under is because of exercise... Should I eat back exercise calories? Usually if I exercise a lot I'll eat back about half of them (sometimes all).
  • Oops sorry about that. Thought I had it public! It's open now.
  • Ah, weights. The bane of my existence. I've actually suffered 3 whiplashes from car accidents/falls in the last year so basically anything upper body is off the charts for me, as well as anything too strenuous on the lower body because it's all connected -_-
  • A vegan diet and veganism are very different. You can follow a vegan diet, but still wear things like leather and use non cruelty-free products and such in the other areas of your life. Veganism is the attempt to minimize animals suffering in all ways possible and practical. I think that last part is overlooked sometimes.…