

  • I'm a bit smaller than you. I'm 5'0 and I weight 118 and I'm looking to get down to 105 or so. I'm also trying to get more muscle and lower my body fat percentage. 118 is actually not looking or feeling very good on someone as small as me. so I'm trying to clean up my diet and I'm starting insanity. Also, I'm twenty and…
  • I just bought Insanity to add to my current programme. I go to the gym 4 days a week for 45 minutes and to the pool 2 days a week for 1 hour, I've been doing this for two months and still I haven't been seeing much for results so I'm hoping adding Insanity in will do the trick.
  • My ex boyfriend's new girlfriend has a six pack.... I don't want him back, but I wouldn't mind if he missed me a bit. Plus, I'd like to be the hottest girlfriend my current boyfriend has ever had. I just don't want to feel like the people I'm with are out of my league. I want to feel good about myself.