
  • There are lots of core exercises you can do that will help. I'd add 15-20 min ab routine 2-3 days a week to what your already doing. Hanging leg raises, side turns, and leg scissors are three good exercises for the lower abs. I've used the belt thingy you are talking about, it does make you sweat but not really a permanent…
  • I've never heard that so I started to research and sure enough I've found several articles on the fact that abs recover more quickly. I have been doing a core workout 2-3 times a week but most articles say 3-5 days a week is needed to get a toned tummy so I guess I'll add an ab workout to my daily trip to the gym. I kinda…
  • Mine runs high like that too. I'm not sure to believe it or not because so many people do similar activities and have much lower cals burned. I would guess it's more accurate than what the machines guess it is or plugging it in on here because you set the height, weight, and age in it.
  • I turn my HRM off as soon as I complete the exercise.
  • With such a light weight KB I doubt you'd be burning 20 cals a min. It also depends on the exercises your doing for the time your working out. Your best bet would to go buy a HRM to get an accurate count. I'm 5'7" and 137 with a 12kg KB I burn around 375cals in a 30 min session on average according to my my HRM.