

  • Well, I have lost a few pounds thanks to having the flu! Grrrr...not the way I want to lose! I havent been able to work out at all....hopefully on the mend though...will start back with some light workouts this week if I am up to it....Great job to all you ladies! Keep up the great work!
  • What a great idea! I am looking for ways to "Spread the Health" in my work place! You just gave me a wonderful idea! Kep up the good eating! :happy:
  • I applaude you for taking the first step in getting healthy! You have said "I am sick of being obese" and you want to do something about it! It can be quite confusing with all the advice and info out there on how to "get healthy". Maybe first define for yourself what that means to you. Make a list of all the things you…
  • Keep coming back! Being persistent is good! You can do it! Please add me as a friend! I am also a yo-yoer!! I want to make permanent changes this time!
  • So Awesome! You are looking great! Keep it up Girl! :happy:
  • What a great job! You must be thrilled! You look FAB!!!:happy: What was the hardest part of Insanity for you?
  • Please count me in! I have a Military Ball to attend on April 20th, and also a trip to Japan in June so I really want to be in shape for both! I have gained a lot of flab and I would love to feel sexy and be fit, not just for these events but because Im really tired of feeling tired! I keep saying Im going to do this but I…
  • Believer here! Its only day 6 for me, but I am hanging in there! I struggle with wanting to look a certain way for others and I have had to re-think all of this...I am looking on the outside and seeing what the world sees instead of what God sees. Make sense? Anyway, Has anyone heard of "The Lord's Table"? Its a great tool…
  • Hey there! You are not alone by any means! Tons of women have PCOS! I was diagnosed at the age of 30...I have taken many a med for this and I would say that symptom control is what the meds do. For the most part, I was at a normal weight most of the last 13 years but I struggled with facial hair growth, mood swings, 3 lost…
  • Minnesota!!!!:smile:
  • Congrats on your engagement! You can do anything you set your mind to! Think every day "I will do this!" But also remember that the man asked you to marry him because he loves YOU for YOU! No matter what you look like now, he loves you for who you are right now! Be kind to yourself! BTW, my goal is to lose 35 pounds by May!