demorelli Member


  • OP i get your frustration. While most people on these forums are great and give wonderful advice, there are some people who act very "know it all" and others who, without intending to, will sometimes word their posts in what could very easily come off as a "superior" tone. From what I've seen, this comes out most around…
    in Really? Comment by demorelli April 2017
  • Nevermind i found the answer buried in an old post from a few years ago. In case anyone else is wondering, it calculates in gross
  • When you don't have a fit bit or something line that then the time helps to calculate your calories burned
  • There was someone, i believe in Japan, decades ago who said something about 10,000 steps being a reasonable amount for an average healthy person. Then others have basically taken it as the word of God and spread it around. While it's a great goal and a good way of adding exercise for those who otherwise don't get much,…
  • You might need to enter it as something line aerobics, calisthenics, or palates, whatever existing entry looks most accurate to you. Or you could check various exercises types that are involved to see how many calories they burn on average and then use that as a template to create a custom exercise entry.
    in Piyo Comment by demorelli March 2017
  • They're very real but if you stay within your calories it's okay to indulge. If you're having an especially difficult day, it wouldn't hurt to bump your calories up a little and have a maintenance day. You might be able to find a recipe for a rich and satisfying mug brownie that will for into your calorie needs without…
  • I log daily although I often end up finishing out my diary entries the next morning. Feel free to add me
  • You are incredible and inspiring! I don't have any kids yet, my excise for so long was that I work such long hours. I restarted working on my health about a month ago and discovered that I really do have the time. Success stories from people with insanely busy lives is such an encouragement to never let anything get in the…
  • If it bothers you to see it go red every day but you're still in your calorie limits and are enjoying what you eat, you can manually adjust it in goals under "additional nutrient goals"
  • Welcome! If you find that doing low can helps you to stay in your calorie goals that's fine but it's not necessary for healthy weight loss. Eat what you want and stay within your calorie budget and you'll lose weight
  • Glad to have you in the community. I'll send you a friend request
  • is a good place to start, they have recipes for all levels. You can use their search tool for something like keyword: easy, one skillet; include ingredients: chicken, spinich; exclude ingredients: pasta. That way you can customize what recipes you see based on the ingredients in your pantry or ones that you…
  • Possibly find recipe for reasonable calorie versions of what you start craving, then make a small batch. Not only will making them reduce calories by being lower calories but the time it takes to get them made might give your cravings a little time to subside. And also make sure you're eating regularly enough that you…
  • Alright thanks for the tips
  • I am also 5'6" and started at 255 now down to 250. It actually sounds like you are eating way too little! This is going to sound a little scary but I would suggest bumping up your calories by 50-100 per day and work your way up to between 1900-2000. You might see a short term gain but once your body is settled there the…
  • You'll have to be a little more careful with how much you eat with the reduced activity, but find things that you can do. Maybe you can do hand weights, crunches, that sort of thing. And as you progress toward healing, see if you can get into physical therapy, that will speed your recovery at least a little and your…
  • Hot Springs, AR is absolutely beautiful and tourist friendly. I wouldn't recommend the middle of summer but spring or fall the weather is gorgeous (and rainy sometimes, rain is gorgeous). There are countless swimming holes and trees absolutely everywhere!
  • @heybales thank you that's a very informative post
  • Maybe you're pushing it too much. Maybe fix yourself one 8oz glass of water or tea and sip on it through the day between your Dr peppers. Then when it gets easier to make it through one, go for two. Just be thankful you're from Texas and not next door in New Mexico it's so dry here you wouldn't survive without water lol. I…
  • I think if the water is very warm people sweat in the shower without noticing it
  • @Packerjohn thank you very much, I will read through the article and the explanation or summary you gave makes a lot more sense than anything anyone else tried to tell me. It seemed like everyone was just seeing who could say I was wrong the loudest but never actually giving any reason why except pretty much saying…
  • I'm not forgetting. I'm just too exhausted with arguing to go dig up all the studies that back up what I've been saying, especially when no one else has supported their arguments against me with research either. Frankly, I'm done with the forums for the day, I'm done with reading the personal attacks. In done with every…
  • I have a hard time believing that because I support the idea of ohmiactualgosh eating only whole, natural foods for a short period of time, I must be an uneducated bumpkin. Obviously since I am on an electronic device to post on these forums, i weigh convenience and general quality of life upgrades highly enough to not…
  • @ninerbuff I believe that as long as this is a community forum, I am allowed to speak. Just because you don't agree with my opinion does not give you the right to tell me to stop giving it.
  • Because most people would rather have cars and cell phones than avoid cancer.
  • I used to work in a grocery freezer department for about 4 1/2 years. The cold can make your battery drain a lot faster. I used to kill my phone in a couple hours on the days I would have to reorganize the walk-in freezer.
  • Please explain why cancer, food allergies, and many other diseases are almost nonexistent among the Amish.
  • For some people, cleanses can be beneficial, as long as they're done well. Since this cleanse is based on eating whole foods rather than a fasting cleanse, it sounds like one of the better ones. Please keep in mind that the ultimate purpose of cleansing is not weight loss, but based on the idea that while your body does…
  • Body weight fluctuates. As long as you stay on track, occasional slip ups aren't going to hurt your long term progress. Don't obsess over your scale. It's very normal to have a few pounds difference day to day, and maybe even more during certain times of the month
  • Mash it on toast instead of Mayo for sandwiches Add some chopped onion, a dash of salt, a little lemon juice, and if you're feeling bold a spoonful of hot salsa for a simple guacamole Or just put a little salt or fresh lemon juice on before eating