

  • I eat a 10 grain hot cereal every morning. I got sick of just the grain taste, so I put a bit of cinnamon on top.
  • The only thing that I could add to these posts is: Have a short term goal in mind. Whether that be a certain amount of weight loss, or even just a goal of working out for a certain period of time! Also, keep a long term goal in mind. Just be careful to set goals that you can stick to!
  • Hey there! I started my "journey" on the first of this year. I didn't do anything spectacular, I just changed how I was eating, and started a workout program. My starter program was P90X. If it has been a while since you have done anything physical, I would recommend that you start with something less intense. The whole…
  • So far, since I have begun working out using any BB program, I have found that the advice that Mrs_Bones has given is the correct advice. I have lost around 9 pounds in the first 4 weeks using Insanity. I have found that my diet was very much affecting how much I would lose. I would advise that you stay far away from…