

  • i love slimming world home made pizza and its easy to make you use a chicken breast as your pizza base, just bang it til its the right thickness for you. Then fry it in fry light to brown the chicken. On top of that add your sauce i use tomato puree spread over your base then add what ever toppings you like, i use peppers,…
  • how is everyone doing? i put on a bit this week not sure how as was good and exercising to keep within my calories had a pig out last night though but hey ho back on it today and try and lose the bit i put on.
  • feel like crap have come down with this bloody flu so not eating right and def not doig any exercise at all as energy levels are nought :( hope it clears off soon. hope your all doing good
  • first week up and i have lost 1,1kg well chuffed def heading in the right direction :)
  • Hi there its very quiet in here!! On my first week and its not to bad but all I do is think of food and go to the toilet with the amount of water I'm drinking but it def fills ye up goodluck everyone.
  • Day 3 for me too. Goodluck x
  • On my first week as well goodluck just think how great u will feel in a few weeks when the lbs and inches are dropping off :) add away if u want