

  • Thanks for the suggestion! I got a pair and was finally able to try them today. Walked the dog, then tried a light jog the last 50 yards to the house. So far, no foot pain...
  • Feels SO good, doesn't it?!?! I just tried on some favorite pants that I hadn't worn in a while - because they had become too tight in the thighs. Now I've lost 13 pounds...and they FIT! Woo-hoo!!!!
  • Maybe it's my age (38), but when we first got our Wii 2 Christmas' ago, I developed plantar fasciitis from using it all the time barefoot. That pain in the bottom of my foot hurt for MONTHS, even now sometimes a bit when I first get up in the morning. So now I always wear exercise shoes when I'm working out, both inside…