gemstone4 Member


  • Wow! What a difference. I know you are enjoying it. You look great. Keep up the good work. Thanks for inspiring us.
  • I dont know about how to set your calories yet but I do know about being hungry. I am still new at this but flax seed seems to curb my hunger. I normally like to eat yogurts in the morning then I decided to add in some way flax seed. I tried it with the yogurt and noticed that it was more satisfying. Also beans help keep…
  • Forgot to add that I was 201 yesterday.
  • I just lost my first two lbs and hope that I am able to keep it off. I need all the friends that I can get on my long journey.
  • Lately I have enjoyed putting frozen fruits instead of ice into my water. That was a solution I came up with for a friend who was pregnant (dangerous to be dehydated while pregnant) and hated drinking water (the same friend that ran in the '84 Olympics- go figure lol)
  • Wow! I know you have heard it all by now but I had to second all the "wows, you look great, proud of yous and awesomes". And on top of that I would like to add TAKE MORE PICS we like what we see!
  • Funny I guess we were thinking along the same lines. My favorite work out t-shirt IS my WonderWoman T-shirt. Some how I feel more impowered. I think I will wear it tomorrow!
  • oops- did not mean to post here- still learning how to do this
  • Splenda as like other artificial sweeters are not great for everyone. Everyone's body is different and reacts to different products in different ways. I worked to adapt a woman's apartment to accomdate her being in a wheelchair. She was overweight and had limited mobility due to MS. Wrong she did not have MS- she was…
  • Wow! This was a lively posts. Glad so many of you care about one another. Many of the comments I agree with. The negative tones I do not. Sounds like everyone agrees that hard work, research and respect of others accomplishements are something that we can all agree on. Just keep us updated and alert to your progress. Maybe…
  • I kinda had the same theory. I did not do as well without the scale because I did not have to be accountable for controlling my weight. Sometimes I would dread the scale but it was a way for me to own up to my dietary mistakes. I would then reset my goal and resolve to lose more weight or adjust what I was doing to make…
  • I am proud of you. You have permission to keep your BUZZ :)
  • I hate that your experience to do something positive turned out so badly. But I would love it if you returned to that same trainer and let him see the newer healthier you. Also let him know you decided to invest in someone better than him- yourself. Hope this outlook will inspire you. I know it inspires me already.