

  • They say keeping a log is so important and also tracking your food daily. I feel that losing weight is like handling an addiction except we can't stop cold turkey like other addictions. We have to eat so we must change our mindset and rethink our eating habits. I cannot control sugar so the only thing I can do is to…
  • Losing weight can be so rewarding and frustrating at the same time. When I first started my sister who is a fitness instructor started a class to teach people how to lose weight the right way and keep if off for a lifetime. I was overwhelmed at first but quickly learned new ways to eat healthy and not feel deprived. I have…
  • Christmas was a setback for me but I only gained back 4 pounds. I am determined to continue to reach my goal. So far 90 pounds and 15 more to go. It really does help to have someone to motivate you and listen. Good luck on your new start.