sebdesouza Member


  • I would love to join if you still have places. This would be my first challenge and am looking forward to it.
  • I would love to join if there are any spaces left
  • Hey, I'm originally from London, but moved out to Braintree Essex a few years ago. Feel free to add me
  • Hey, I'm originally from London, but moved out to Braintree Essex a few years ago. Feel free to add me
  • How’s everyone doing with this month’s challenge? I’ve been a bit busy with live the last couple of days, but I’m hoping to find some time tonight to get my heart rate going, lol.
  • Hi Lori, I’m Seb from the UK. I’m also new to MFP, but an old hand on the wii, lol. I think the wii is a great tool to get the heart rate going and burning calories. There are lots of different games to keep you interested, motivated and having fun. I try and play a different game every day, just to mix it up a bit and…
  • Well done to everyone so far. Hope you are all keeping up with this month’s challenge. :-) Session 1 complete (11-03-2013) 30mins (14.5 to go)
  • Seems like a great challenge again this month, I didn't do to well with the last one, but I'm going to give this one a go :)
  • Thanks for the welcome smagee1973 :) Today’s session includes: 4min – heading 5min - ski slalom 12mins – ski jump (best score 299m, only good enough for 4th) :) 6mins - Bird’s eye bulls eye 7mins – Obstacle Course (beat my top score 477pts) 20mins – free jogging 20mins – free step (my first try 1988 step : ) ) Today’s…
  • I had my first session before work this morning. A couple of technical issues whilst doing the Advance Step (lost connection between the balance board and the console), so I got a bit of a rubbish score :smile: . Hula Hoop Rhythm Boxing Advanced Step Super Hula Hoop Advanced Step Free Run Sub Total 41 mins February total…
  • I’ve only just come across this group. Although I not going to make the 14 hours, I’d love to see just how many I could do by the 28th :smile:
  • That’s amazing, thank you for sharing as it is truly inspirational seeing hard work pay off. Keeping a photo dairy is a good idea as well, I think I may start one tonight :-) Well done you!!!