

  • I am just doing a whey protein shake with almond milk. They recommend shakeology its loaded with great nutrients but its really expensive. So I ordered green essentials today to add more nutritional value to the shakes because I can afford shakeology. Hope this helps. And Ive still been sticking with the high calories and…
  • On day 3 of insanity and the meal plan! Its my first time through. ADD me for support!!
  • Hi I know this is from a female perspective but I had the same questions regarding the amount of calories you should consume on the meal plan. I need to hit 1,900 which scared me! I researched this topic a lot and everywhere I read said FOLLOW THE MEAL PLAN FOR MAX RESULTS! I hit 1,8000 calories yesterday, I am only on day…
  • Hi, I have a similar calorie issue. It recommends I eat 1,900 calories but I feel like that is so much for my body size. How flexible is that number? do you think 1,600 would be enough calories? Thanks!
  • Hi, I am on day 2 today and I am following the meal plan! I'm with ya!
  • Hi everyone, I am on day 2 of insanity today and I plan on following the meal plan because I read that is how you get max results. But the meal plan suggests that I eat 1900 calories a day! Which makes me feel as if I will just maintain my weight. I was curious if anyone else increased their caloric intake and it worked.…