

  • Have you looked into getting into a writer's group like Paranormal Romance Guild? There are some great benefits to being with other writers/editors/publishers. They are all very good at helping new writers and they also have reviewers (I'm one) for newly published books. I'm familiar with Decadent, I've reviewed their…
  • My first book is tentatively named "Lilly's Turn" and it's the beginning book in the "Wrong Turn" series. Lilly is a woman who works in the Storyville New Orleans brothel, Mahogany Hall. She meets with a long-time customer of the Hall and ends up dead. There's an angel named Sullivan who is sent to post-Katrina New Orleans…
  • Hello. I'm starting this to try to fit some exercise/diet into my life. I'm a writer, I am working on a paranormal romance series that hopefully will be called "Wrong Turns". My first novel is about 1/3 done at the moment, still working daily on it. There are three other books planned, two novels and a novella. I review…