Lesalala Member


  • People often assume because something says natural or homeopathic that equals safe and good for you. Heroine comes from the poppy flower and is there for natural...not safe! Homeopathic medication does not need to be studied or FDA approved at all. They can come from anywhere, be mixed with anything and slap any label on…
  • I quite 3 yrs ago after smoking a pack a day for 20yrs. I tried several times and each time I learned something new. 1. I am not a social smoker and so just 1 cigarette will have me back to a pack a day. 2. Write a list of the reasons you want to quit with pics if needed, make copies and place one anywhere you may have a…
  • This can happen with any kind of good workout, if you don't provide fuel for your body to burn before hand. A little protein and carbs (I know it's a dirty word0 are needed to burn fat and build muscle about an hr before hand. Otherwise, you burn muscle and build up lactic acid (which makes you sore) and then as you have…
  • I agree that a 2000 calorie a day diet should be well sufficient for someone who is obese to lose weight. Also get up and move! Even, if it's just walking daily, you have to start burning calories as well as watching what you are taking in. The advantage to being large, is you burn more calories with less effort then a…
  • What shocks me is that he is a cardiologist and yet he completely endorsed phentermine without explaining any of the risks. I am a RN at a surgery center and we can not do surgeries on someone who has been taking it for the past 2 wks, because if your heart stops for any reason we CAN NOT RESTART YOUR HEART with our meds…