

  • Oh and I only ever drink water aside from the occasional cup of morning coffee with 0calorie sweetener and non dairy creamer, or hot green tea with honey if my throat is sore and dry... And the lack of money makes it easy to not eat out...
  • I tend to be an on/off grazer... May have a larger breakfast with eggs and maybe toast, or a dinner of lean chicken green veggies(broccoli, green beans, etc) but snack thru the day(handful of this, protein bar there, stuff like that). Usually my calories don't go over 1200-1400 and I move enough to have a deficit, but…
  • Oh and I forgot to add with my stats that I'm a size 14 right now as well...
  • Pretty much all I drink is water(except for the occasional home brewed green tea with a tbsp of honey). We almost never eat out due to low funds... And we have no internet at the house(can't afford it). I get online on my phone occasionally but only have 2gb of data available. I've been trying to just eat less, and keep it…
  • I'm there with you! My newest little one just hit 3 months old the other day, and I am 30lbs above the healthy/goal weight. I found that I need more support to keep at it... I think together we may be able to burn the baby weight and get back our pre-mama bodies! Feel free to add me!
  • I think its awesome that you want to help people! I'm a "new" mom(I have an almost 3yr old but just gave birth to my second 3 months ago tomorrow), when I was pregnant with my first I went from 140 to 180 and after giving birth I was only down to 172. I worked hard for almost 2 years, went from a size 16 to a size 6, but…
  • I'm in a similar boat! I just had my second little one 3months ago tomorrow, haven't been successful in losing weight or tightening tummy yet but I'm hoping I'll see some results soon! If you want to add me you can :)