

  • What a nice bunch of people you all are to be so supportive! Congrats Kariv 91121. I've just finished first month so you are a great inspiration to me this morning. Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Okay thanks to those who pointed out I need to use smaller amount. A tablespoon didn't seem like that much to sauté onions and garlic etc. but I will give a teaspoon a try!
  • I love this answer! :smile: Create an image in your mind and aspire to it rather than being held down by what you think others are seeing or what you're seeing in the mirror. An old step aerobic video which the singer Cher did in the 90's started with her saying something like: I admire any woman who is doing something to…
  • like someone said if it will make you feel better...don't feel guilty eating a little chocolate and then just get back on track the next day. the last thing you need now is to feel any worse. but you might also try this trick if you need a little chocolate indulgence, buy chocolate syrup and just squeeze a tablespoon over…
  • wow I just got started this excited to see the creativity in you all. anywhere on this site to swap recipes and nutritional info?
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