

  • You can buy flavored Stevia by SweetLeaf. It has many flavors. I was a soda drinker/addict and realized last year I was slowly killing myself drinking all that crap. I noticed adding the watermelon flavored stevia to my water made it much more desirable. it's a bit pricey but one bottle lasted me 6 months. I am now weaning…
  • It does have comparable calories, but beware a bunch of agave syrups are actually high fructose corn syrup masquerading as agave. Same with honey. Your better bet is stevia extract. You can buy powdered versions that are comparable to regular sugar, Truvia or Pure Via are both sold in local food stores here, but you can…
  • I, like you, was never a water drinker. I preferred soda and juices, I would only drink ice cold water on hot days. With my new attitude and desire to lose the weight and get healthy made me realize just how many calories I was consuming in both of those. Limiting the calorie intake prevents drinking more than one of them…