

  • So now that I've transitioned to Wendler's 5/3/1, can someone explain why, in week 1, he (a) throws a random set of 3 reps into the middle of a bunch of 5-rep sets and (b) has so many sets of very light weight? I mean, I put in that my 1 RM for squats is 145 and not only does it not have me going up to 145 EVER (only to…
  • Mom of 3 here, ages 8, 12 and 15. I've been lifting for about 2 years, now moving into 5/3/1 from Stronglifts. I don't have any friends on this board yet (I spend most of my time over on the 3FatChicks site) but would be happy to have some. Andrea
  • I notice that some of you are adding accessory exercises to your training, and a few of the posters seem to be doing things other than SL completely. I have been toying with the idea of switching to Wendler's 5/3/1 program because I'm finding the purely linear progression and no accessory lifts of the 5x5 approach to be…
  • jstout, thank you! The issues you identify are exactly the ones I notice too- that I lean forward too much trying to get "out of the hole" and that I am wobbly because my right leg starts pushing first/harder than my left. So, is there anything I should do to correct these problems, or is it just because I'm relatively…
  • Ok, now that I've found this group and posted a question, I feel I'm officially in. So, my first check in: Workout B today: Squat 5x5 @ 135 (again, for the 3rd time). Reps 4 and 5 on each set are still really hard - I can feel my trunk position changing from gently inclined to much more flexed as I stand up. I assume this…
  • Fittreelol, sorry, not to be ignorant, but what does Step 4 mean (profit)? And "zombies"? I've actually been doing the SL program pretty much to the letter so far, 3 lifting sessions per week, haven't missed one yet and I do all my reps, every time. In general, I'm a pretty motivated person and take my fitness seriously. I…
  • Wow; thanks guys. It's reassuring to hear that other Stronglifts enthusiasts don't take the "increase by 5 pounds each session" thing too much to heart. Having said that, I also don't hear any of you talking about this deload business (that is, if you can't make all 5x5 reps at a certain weight for 3 tries, then you…