aarkulk Member


  • hey guys....i wanna join too
  • i agree!! thanks guys i already feel a lil inspired lets see how next week plays out hopefully i get back on track!! yea i think i need to just accept that i am gonna be losing motivation many times ....but i gotto get up back again
  • thanks guys for the motivation so far!
  • see this was exactly me when i started off highly motivated and stuff i hate when the motivation stops ...and i totally feel u on the skipping workouts stuff thats whats happening this week i was like nah dont feel up to it today tomorrow i will but my tomorrow never came and i am afraid thats it i am going back to my old…
  • i did start with small changes ...like many months ago i hated working out so i started with just focusing on the diet...like being in my calorie limits then i slowly brought in the work outs from twice a week to three to finally when i was doing 5 times a week and i was at my peak.....like where i wanted to be working out…