

  • I had the Striiv. Loved it at first. The app was really motivating and the Play tucked right in my bra. Then the Play wouldn't keep a charge so they replaced it. I am on my 4th Play now because they replace with refabs. I am getting a refund and ditching them. The app isn't fun anymore either. So I am shopping. Ordered a…
  • I'm still new where is the recipie section where others post recipies? I can only find my recipies.
  • I had a horible time eating at all for breakfast. Now I make a protein shake with Plant Fusion protein (only 6g sugar and loaded with enzymes). For vanilla I use 1 c frozen raspberries, 1 tbls chia seeds, 1 tbls hemp hearts, 2 c unsweeten almond milk and 2 scoops powder. For chocolate 1 banana, 2c almond milk and 2 scoops…
  • Not sure of your location but have your Doctor check your Vit D. Mine was at the bottom of acceptable levels so my doc put me on 5000iu. My depression lifted. During the winter I double that amount as I am in the dark or in buildings. Beyond that just take it one day at a time and find friends to support you. I have been…