I like Stevia, I started to grow it last year, I am happy to say its still alive :)
I teared up watching it, great job! keep up the good work, you inspire me to do good.
Awesome job! Keep up the good work
Near San Antonio :) BCSMama congrats on your weight goal! I understand about maintaining it with a healthy lifestyle & Attitude on eating right every day if you can, thats why we have a farm and want to eat off our farm as much as possible, what we raise here & eat we try to barter trade for too.
Thanks for all the postive responses to this question I want to keep track of all the calories I burned for the exercises so I guess I need to decide to keep it "0" & write it else where like the exercise blog or just ignore it. Natalie thanks also for the advice on the calorie burning method it makes sense.
I was curious about that too, since I started blogging my food it keeps telling me I am starving myself ;/ because of my weight I guess it expects me to eat more calories but I have never eaten that much calories that it suggests I just I ate the bad things which got my weight up and lack of exercise. I guess if you dont…
thanks for all the ads and encouragements!
Way to go! Love the dress barn too, can't wait to go down dress sizes too!
Timby what are you doing to lose the weight?
Supplemama what sort of gardens do you have? I have been trying to do pot gardening this last year I did really well with my garlic chives up to when my goat broke into our yard and ate them ;/
Kayduro we R thinking of joining Cosco again, but its pretty far away from me, closer to hubbys work. I was thinking of some weight watchers pre cooked meals at least something in that catagory for times when we have to eat fast, any suggestions?
Mike we have an aquaponics going too! We just build it this year, so far so good, we just have gold fish it for now since its a trial run for us, we lost two packs of gold fish b4 we got it right LOL. We also do hugelkulter method and started wicking, it seems to work for this hot Texas climate