longarmedmonkey Member


  • Good luck! I too am a teacher. I find during the busy day it is hard to eat well. Counting Calories helps me stay mindful and not overeat at the end of the day. add me if you wish.
  • I'm thinking that I am the furthest South, in Bristol. However I did live in Aberdeen for nearly 5 years. Good luck to everyone. It would be great to add up figures in a month or so to see now much less weight is pushing down on the UK.
  • Not used Optifast or anything like it, but I wish you a massive amount of luck from the UK. I'm trying to lose about 25kg too. :smile: Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. I know you can!
  • Hi, You have done it once, so that proves you have the discipline and focus to do it again. I'm on my journey for a second time too, just trying to change my lifestyle so that when I stop counting I won't go back up again. Good luck and look forward to hearing about your progress. Ian
  • Hi Rachel, Just read your story and i wish you a great deal of luck, its one of those journeys that gets eaiser as you achieve more; at least that's what I'm thinking. Anyway I look forward to following your progress and supporting you as you go. Best wishes Ian