

  • i would have to agree with the other posts, eating a clean diet is so important thats how i lost 20 pounds in 6 weeks a few years back. And lots of water also try taking fiber each day that always helps too. and to laddyboy.. wow! you look great! congrats on your loss!
  • I would take it with me. You have a good habbit going, i see no need to change it! They might laph at first and think it to be a bit silly but tell them hey, this is what works for me and i know it looks silly..
  • Hi, i would love to join in! My name is Stephanie start weight- 171 goal weight by april 1st (my birthday)- 150 workouts- stationary bike, gazelle, treadmill i really want to lose 30 pounds but i would be thrilled to be 150 by my birthday!
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