

  • Go, Ashely, go! Tax, I hope you have a fast recovery. Drummer_lady, good plan! I'll be aiming for 4000 but will be ok with anotehr 3500 as well.
  • Great results everyone! As some of you are enjoying teh spring or the warmer weather, it's above 40 degrees Celsius where I live so training outdoor will not be an option for much longer :( I was able to reach my 3500 weekly goal (3610-yay) but I was aiming for 4000. I will set the same target for this week in order to…
  • Welcome back, Lady! I'll wait until tomorrow morning to post the total number of calories burned but I did reach part of my goals and did some new things this week: - I've tried a new type of group class: yoga - I've increased by 10% the number of kilometers jogged/walked - had a walk on my rest day and cross-trained on…
  • Mary, you're a star. I've read quite a bit about Tough mudders and I'm sure I will never do it. Electrical shocks!?! But how was it? Did you enjoy it? How many bruises do you have?;)
  • Good morning Ladies, Only 2200 so far. I'm a bit disapointed as I was aiming for 4000 this week and only have two more workouts to go. Better than nothing though :)
  • Hi, A bad day is not the end of your journey. It's in your power to pick back up and do the right things. Drink plenty of water and hit the gym. You know what you have to do ;) so just do it! (Ha ha, that sounded like an ad :)) ). Your main motivator should be your health. And I'll give your a quote that always helps me…
  • yuuuupeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey
  • 1212 so far and pushing hard for 4000 this week. Erin, 159 is great. Consider it your rest day. ;) Tme2change, you're on the right path. Keep it up;) But if you're in pain, take a break and give your body the opportunity to recover. You'll be fine, I'm sure :)
  • Thanks for the answer!
  • I'm seriously thinking about increasing the target miles :D
  • Morning, Ladies! The week started great on this side of the world with 515 calories burned. I'm actually more thrilled that I managed to increase my speed on the treadmill for hal of the workout. :D Today is my rest day so I might just go for a long walk. Do any of you take rest days?
  • Looking back at this week, I'm satisfied with how things went. I exceeded my goal by 1000 but I could have pushed even harder. The aim for this week is: - increase the distance ran outside/treadmill by at least 10% - take a long walk at a brisk pace on my rest day - take at least one class in the gym for variation (just…
  • Great results, ladies! Hats off for those of you aiming as high as 6000/week. I think we're all pushing hard and closely missing your goal is also a victory. It's a million times better than spending those same houra on the sofa. So a big round of applause for of all of us! This week I'm 1000 calories above goal as I was…
  • Slowly getting there :)
  • wtwOn, that's simply amazin. vbaley, way to go! I woke up early for a 6 am workout and I'm at a total of 3268 for the first week. I'm pleased but I know I could be doing even more. Let's start week 2! :D
  • Wow, so many of you have already met/exceeded their weekly goals. For this week I'm at 2911. It's above what I had planned but I also ate more than I was supposed to so I need to go the extra mile tomorrow as well.
  • Happy birthday!!!
    in DAY 5 Comment by Delll2013 May 2013
  • Karen, I'm not entirely sure but it really keeps me full. Probably because I need to drink a lot of water afterwards :)
  • Way to go, ladies! You're all so motivated and motivating! vbailey, I defientely had this feeling as well last night but still went for a walk on the treadmill. so let's celebrate our succes ;)
    in DAY 5 Comment by Delll2013 May 2013
  • I suggest a green lentil salad. Lentils are very versatile and you can combine them with many other vegetables. There's plenty of recipes out there, just find the one that best matches you taste. I also suggest spinach with garlic and lemon. You can spice up you broccoli by roasting it with almond flakes, pine seeds and a…
  • Hi Ashley, Condoleances again! I think you're doing great. Well, the challenge is going great for me so far. One of my major wins for this week in waking up very early a couple of times to workout before going to work. Nothing tops a 6am workout :)). I did my workout for today but I'm thinking about squeezing some weight…
    in DAY 5 Comment by Delll2013 May 2013
  • Good morning everyone! We're getting close to the end of our first week. I have to say that it's been very motivating to see everyone pushing hard. So far, I'm at 1919 calories burned so pretty much on plan.:)
  • Great results, Ladies! You've really motivated me to wake up early tomorrow an put it some 2 hours of workout.
    in DAY 1 Comment by Delll2013 May 2013
  • I love seeing those tickers moving.
  • Good tips, Ladies! From what you say and what I've read, HRMs are a must. I'm looking into some options. At the moment I'm only inputing the cardio workouts (an average between what the machine, MFP and Runtastic calculate). I've burned 500 calories yesterday on the treadmill. My first tip or those of you that are also…
    in DAY 1 Comment by Delll2013 May 2013
  • Tatty, for the weekly total, each user has to add up the calories burned in the previous 7 days. Don't be discouraged. Little is way better than nothing :D AJ, enjoy your walks! Erin, happy to see someone as excited as I am. Let us know how it went ;)