Can it be done online? x with others? x
Very handsome and kind face. ( mine will be tricky! :-D)
Could you be building muscle - It is denser than fat and so you could in theory get fitter but weigh more?? xx
This is an interesting topic. I cannot digest protein, I suffer from a rare metabilic disorder called PKU. So I have to take protien in a liquid form - it is disgusting drink that I have 3 times a day, but it prevents me from potential brain damage and even death. It has been 'chemically digested' for me. I drink the…
In 2008 at a Christmas work party. There were free masks as it had a 'masquerade' theme. I loved it - hiding myself away - I was wearing a dress and felt very uncomfortable.
I have Zumba on the X box and I am going to try to do 20 minutes a day on the extra tricky level .... I will book the ambulance now.