carolyn0613 Member


  • Agree with the others that instead of cardio exercises, you should try weight training to achieve your goal
  • "There is some evidence that a faster weight loss puts stress on the body, causing hormonal changes such as an increase in corstisol and other stress chemicals. " Massive weight loss decreases corticosteroid-binding globulin levels and increases free cortisol in healthy obese patients: an adaptive…
  • In the UK we already have am easy goal setting of 14 lbs since this is 1 stone. I am 13 stone 4 lbs so just 4lb to my next mini goal and 2 lb past my previous goal which = 3 stone lost. Psychologically it is better to have those mini goals that are achievable. Another one of mine is 1lb a week. This is harder than I…
  • To lose weight you need to have a calorie deficit. MFP recommends that we lose 1lb a week and calculates that as a deficit of 500 calories a day. If you eat the amount of calories that gives you that 500 cal deficit, you will lose weight. Most people here have found that works for them and a steady slower weight loss is…
  • is a website for UK but the info is of a good standard. there is some good evidence that the health benefits of exercise (ie not fitness benefits but that it helps heart health, diabetes etc) can be gained from either walking or running -…
  • I reckon that naturally slim people are more sensitive to the messages from their stomach. I know that if my daughters leave the table to go to the loo during dinner for example, they find it hard to start eating again. My mum is the same - hard to eat when she's not hungry, hard to start eating after a break during a…
  • Runkeeper and Endomondo are the two biggies
  • I agree that you need to check how much you are eating even before you factor in your exercise. You are a big guy (hi there!) and presumably on your feet for at least 8 of those hours - you need to be eating a good amount to fuel all that. I used and plugged in your stats. It says that…
  • I really like earning those extra calories. I tried TDEE-% but when I didn't get that bonus set of calories to eat, it was too hard. I like to eat....
  • I didn't read this study but let's not forget that one study only adds to the body of evidence, and does not change it as such. In this case there are other studies which support the findings. Also longitudinal studies are what I am interested in since I want a long term change not a quick fix.
  • You look great, clearly feel great and I love your approach. I hope I can be as sensible when I get there myself
  • THis They are simply jealous. Also, for all they know you might be losing weight for health reasons and don't care about how you look and are now healthy instead of dangerously overweight (not looked so this is not specific to you!!) I think your loss on your ticker is amazing - ESPECIALLY since it is in kg which are…
  • I also use it and it seems most accurate when i track my activity with it
  • I have a spreadsheet that i enter my calories that I have eaten (gross), as logged on MFP. If you do a printable report using the button which can be found at the bottom of your diary, this will give you your log in a nice easily copiable format for pasting into excel I then enter my weight loss (I measure on wednesdays…
  • Hi there there is a lot of information on here about both eating to MFP's formula and TDEE -x% With the MFP scheme, you enter your statistics plus the amount of weight you want to lose per week and MFP gives you a calorie budget which includes the deficit. You can then also do exercise over and above what you have set on…
  • Just to answer your question about protein. What you eat does not influence your body composition - if you eat fat you will not get more fat and if you eat protein you will not get more muscley. The exercise does that bit. But eating protein helps maintain your muscles. Eating fat is vital for taking on your fat-soluble…
  • Hi there there is a lot of information on here about both eating to MFP's formula and TDEE -x% With the MFP scheme, you enter your statistics plus the amount of weight you want to lose per week and MFP gives you a calorie budget which includes the deficit. You can then also do exercise over and above what you have set on…
  • If you are 236lb then according to your sedentry TDEE is 2676
  • I have a tdee of about 2200-2400 I eat about 1900, sometimes more... Gladly be friends with folks who eat more and eat exercise calories.
  • That's great. It's very heartening to hear you say that you stuck to your goals even though the scales were not moving. I know that this is the right way to do this so it it excellent to hear about your success and how your patience has been rewarded. Good for you and thanks for sharing
  • That's good advice too. Wait until next week for a weigh in
  • This ^^ We are only trying to do our best. Keep trying
  • Fill 3/4 of your plate with veggies, fill 3/4 of what space is left with protein like chicken or tuna, then the last space fill with carbs. For seconds do the same proportions. (9/12, 3/12, 1/12)
  • If you are eating good food then I would say worry about this if your weight loss begins to stall - ie little or nothing lost for 4+ weeks. If it aint broke...
  • Yep, you need to get it taken out asap. They will have seen a lot worse at the docs or hospital but will give you grief about using them.
  • Good for you for going for this and for taking a sustainable, long term approach. I think at your weight 1.5- 2lb is just right, according to what I have read here. I've been losing that amount for 9 months and have found it not too difficult, unlike any other 'diet' i've been on. This feels more like a way of life now
  • You get lots of stationary bikes in the gym so it must be doing something! Seriously, cycling is great exercise and makes you feel physically and mentally good. I used to ride to work - about 10 miles, taking me about 45 mins steady pace through London. It was a magical time. I would arrive at work refreshed and ready to…