rksimmons Member


  • I have the polar HRM as well. I find that if I am really sweating a lot, it will lose the connection that it needs. Any other time, mine is fine. Sometimes I can wipe under it and it picks back up and other times I have to stop it and restart it. Maybe its a good thing when it stops bc that means you are working really…
  • Anyone, feel free to add me as well!! :)
  • I ordered 2 bikins online....and assumed that they would have to be returned, but it was worth a shot! I got them on Monday and I was afraid that I would be disappointed so I didnt try them on until Wednesday. AND..... I love them both. I actually didnt even pick out anything that I would change and it felt AMAZING!! What…
  • I think that it far easier to fall out of a routine, then to stay in one. I think that it is totally natural to have spurts of energy and then have it kind of, taper off. You may need to switch up your routine a little and mix it up to keep it fresh. Keep reading motivational posts, or even get a partner at the gym or…