

  • I'll eat around that then. I did calculate my TDEE - 10 / 15 %, and always got results between 1700 and 1900, so I guess 1800 is just fine ! And thank you for taking time to help me ! Let's eat that food ! :)
  • Ok, I'll eat more vegetables ... But since Feb 1st, I did eat more than a tomato and green beans, I can assure you ( ie : 11 days out of 15 . ( And I did not count the countless fruits I did have, because OK, I know it's not vegetables ) As for flour, all my pasta, bread and crepe are whole wheat, which I think is a little…
  • Hahaha, thank you ! I think maybe I should post them on MFP, just to see a daily reminder of the importance of checking pictures ! PS : congrats on your 11 Lb. loss ! that's awesome ! * high five you back *
  • I just checked progress pictures and ... my body actually changed in a good way, I think I lost some inches ( even though I did not think about taking measurements before, I can see it on the pictures ) I should have thought about that this morning ! Thank you for you answer by the way, everybody is so helpful, it's really…
  • Lesa_Sass : Thank you for your answer ! The recommendation the man gave me seemed a little ... well not that fine to me haha I know I've been eating less that 1500 calories a day, and never thought you could not eat enough if you did not feel hungry during the day ! I do make my own food ( well, my mum does, and I do…
  • Faye_Anderson : I meant BMR multiplied by activity level, I should have mentioned it. BMR multiplied by my activity level - 500 is around 1650. What do you think about it ? I calculated my TDEE as well, and my TDEE minus 10 or - 15% is around 1800 ... which seems a little too much, isn't it ?
  • JECole2013 : Thank you for taking time to write such an elaborate answer ! That was very helpful ! I'm already pretty good with the water, and as for exercise, I've always been "active" in my life, so I think my body is already used to exercising regularly, and I try to stick to the most natural/organic products I can find…
  • I'll try that ! I don't walk to class, but I do walk around 20 to 30 minutes per day around campus, and climb up lots of stairs ... ( A bit tirrening, but that compensate with the countless hours spent sitting and typing haha ) My weekly schedule often looks loke : Monday : Weight lifting class + 20 min walk on the…
  • I'll try to find that, but finding a hiking trail in Paris would be a real miracle haha But I can always run on the streets and climb up stairs, that seem like an alternative ! :)
  • Alright ! Thank you for your answers Yarwell !
  • Thank you so much for your answer ! It's really helpful ! You'll get to that weight, that's for sure ! May I ask you what are your workouts ? ( I'm always trying to find new things to try haha ) I'll try new settings on MFP, 1370 is ... a bit bothering, I feel like I do not have much "room" for healthy snacks in between…
  • Woops, I thought I could trust people of MFP with bananas ! I'll be more attentive to the macros ! And .. I'll try to change my breakfast ! Do you have any suggestion for a rich protein breakfast ? And thank you for your advice ! :)
  • Thank you for your suggestions Arpiagape1 ! I'll try to eat a bigger breakfast with protein, but I often get a little "nauseous" when I eat too much in the morning. As for the carbs and protein, I'll try to lower and up my consumption ! And as for calories, I'll try to be a little more attentive to it ! I do like myself, I…
  • I used to, to get an accurate measure, but know I know what 30 grams look like, so I don't weigh it every time now. Sometimes I do weigh it to make sure I'm not going overboard, but my muesli bowl is always between 25 to 35 grams. You already lost 8 kg, that's awesome ! :)
  • Hi ! I'm new and would also like to loose 20 pounds. Feel free to add and let's motivate each other !
  • Feel free to add me too ! I'd love to get some motivation !