
  • Hi everyone! Glad to find this group! I'm 46 ( I think, seems that after 40 all the birthdays run together!) and have decided that there's no better time than now to get in the best shape of my life. In terms of weight, I only need to shed 10 pounds or so. However, I definitely need to feel better about what I'm seeing in…
  • You may want to take a look at FitBit or Jawbone Up. There are lots of websites that compare the two and give the details of what they track. I was going to purchase the FitBit but then realized that it doesn't do well with tracking elliptical (as opposed to walking and running that it does very well at) and that's my…
  • I live in North Carolina - originally from South Carolina. I absolutely love the south!!!!
  • Let's stay focused together! I'm new to the app and welcome the connection.