storywebber Member


  • I never would have thought of using Laughing Cow cheese on sandwiches. Thanks for idea. I will try it today. Betty
  • I have been writing a novel for nearly four years. I have tried different writing styles but have finally settled on one. Don't be in a hurry to figure out your style. It will come naturally to you when you figure out the ins and outs of it. The most important item to focus on is getting the story down - beginning to end -…
  • I normally do not have a problem. My dr instructed me to take the metformin first then swallow food afterwards. So I take it while I am eating breakfast. Have you tried to take it with water or hot tea, ice tea or take it with food? Betty
  • A very happy birthday wish! you gave yourself a excellent present of losing 79 pounds! Congratulations and best wishes. Betty
  • I too have a little over 100 lbs to lose. Add to that I am a diabetic. I set my calories goal at 1500. The carbs allowance is set for me by the diabetic thing of 40 to 60 carbs per meal. I am doing well in meeting the carbs goal but am over (sometimes little, sometimes big) on the calorie goal and sodium goals. This is my…
  • Yes, my husband is following the diabetes guidelines that I follow. He is not nearly as overweight as I am. Sometimes he doesn't like what I have cooked. Most of my cooking comes from the American Diabetes Asso. website.
  • Good morning. My husband and I are diabetic. He was diagnosed just last Wednesday with Type 1. We both are trying to lose weight. I have lost 20 lbs following Taste of Home Comfort Foods. But I do not know how this will play into the diabetes. I plan on watching the diabetes while using their cookbook and magazine to see…
  • My husband just was diagnosed with diabetes. I have had it for awhile but I don't test. I got a sticker shock this morning when I picked up his test steps and it was 50.00 dollars for 50 of the strips. Do you know if the strips you got at WalMart would work on a Bayer Contour? He has to test twice a day so 50 strips will…
  • Hi. My food diary is open but I have yet to have a lot in there. One or two meals with plans to add more. I hope you do well with managing diabetes with losing weight and getting those numbers down. Betty
  • No lunch breaks? Can you chomp on some fresh veg's at your desk? Betty
  • Afternoon. Congratulations on the weight loss by being banded. Too many folks think that losing the weight after being banded is easy but my husband has a office friend who had it done in the spring. So I know thru him how hard it is. I weigh 224. I am not banded. I am a diabetic who does not test. I take 4 pills for high…