mrschwarten Member


  • Yep, totally! Cute ones, practical ones, plastic, glass, or metal...I really try my hardest to keep away from single use plastics. Sometimes I argue with myself a lot about this. Is it really that eco, if I'm buying new ones all the time? Isn't that not all too different that buying a case of bottled water, with just a…
  • That's quite a load you've got...I'm glad that you're here sharing with us! After a good amount of cognitive behavioral therapy with a doctor that was a good fit, my binge eating disorder turned out to be masked generalized anxiety with a splash of depression. Eating was my coping mechanism. Once I recognized that, I was…
  • I was always 'the hot sister' and I neeeeeeeed to maintain that!
  • Oh yea, same here! I was the worst about that, bordering on hoarding thrift stuff. Now, not only at thrift but all shops, whenever I try something on if I don't absolutely love it 100%, I don't take it home. I realized that if I don't love it in the dressing room, there's very little chance of me loving or even liking it…
  • Great job, everyone! Likes all around!! :smiley: I've been running again lately and have had two NSVs this past week in the running world: I ran one full mile nonstop! Hadn't been able to for a while. And a few days later I ran two miles and only slowed to a walk for about a tenth of a mile! I honestly didn't think I would…
  • Great job on finding what works for you! For me, if I reward on too frequent a basis, it becomes less of a reward and more of a habit. So I do rewards on a weekly or monthly basis (ever changing - no hard rules here!) For example, if I set a goal to work out 4X a week and I succeed, I will reward myself with a new song…
  • Also, you seemed to have been thinking about your dad's comfort first, instead of your own. That's quite a nice thing, I think!
  • Ok CharlieBeansmomTracey, we get it. It doesn't work for everyone. It's a tool that helps some, but not you. May we move on now please? I've done a little IF in the past and it worked well, so I think I'll give it a go again. My work schedule has settled down some so I think it'll help me out with my consumption…
  • @NealNH Thank you for your support :blush: lol and yea, like nothing fancy at all! Just carrots/cucumbers/peppers etc cut up like julienne style (but a little thicker) with a ranch dip drizzled over them, and parsley for prettiness. Exactly the same as veggies + dip but arranged a little nicer and eaten with a fork instead…
  • Hey y'all, great work!! Reading these is so motivating! @Evelyn_Gorfram you're cracking me up :D :D :D As "gen Z" as this sounds...I started therapy!! Like, real therapy! I have been in and out of an eating disorder for many years but always denied denied denied. But something in me just snapped a few weeks ago so I headed…
  • @workinonit1956 Let us know how it turns out!! :D :D
  • @workinonit1956 Straight from freezer!
  • @thereshegoesagain It's deceivingly simple, I made some again tonight! I used frozen broccoli, so even easier! I put ~1 cup of broccoli in a big ol' bowl with about one and a half to two tablespoons of olive oil (I didn't measure). I put in some garlic salt and pepper, then used my hands to make sure every piece of broc…
  • Great job everyone! My NSV is that I figured out how to make roasted broccoli!!! I've been trying for a long time and it'd never turn out. But I'm so pleased! I'm actually craving some as I type this and I don't think I'll ever eat broccoli any other way now :D :D :D :D :D
  • Sober 'Tober You got this, we all are rooting for you!!!! :smiley: :smiley:
  • Oh, it's so nice to come back and see all these successes!! Been AWOL, but now I'm back at it. I had a moment last week that kind of snapped me back into focus. I was chatting with a coworker about how I haven't been working out or eating too healthfully lately and I feel awful. He very sheepishly in the most cautiously…
  • I have absolutely no cutting experience, so I can't offer you anything there. But, I wonder, are you getting enough sleep? Having stress at work? Low on iron/vitamin D/other mineral? When I have trouble I almost always overlook those things and after investigation, those things are almost always the culprit. Good luck!
  • Wonderful job, everyone! I've been really struggling this week. Not just with my work outs and nutrition, but I'm in a pretty deep slump (lots of reasons...things are...not good here). I don't know if this is really a victory or just a meh but I haven't been turning to comfort eating as I have in the past. I realized that…
  • @Evelyn_Gorfram hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!! Oh my goodness thank you for sharing your train of thought!! I can totally see how it could seen that way. I'm so sorry but I am going to be giggling about this all day tomorrow!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • lol yes @Evelyn_Gorfram "business time" is intimacy :blush: The band Flight of the Conchords made a song called Business Time, and when we heard it years ago we couldn't stop laughing and now refer to it as such. If you'd like a laugh, it's worth a google!
  • Wonderful job, everyone!! And no NSV is a small or silly one; all successes should be celebrated!! Ok, so heads up - maybe some TMI. I was having some 'business time' with my partner today and he rubbed my belly...which in the past would make me so ashamed and I'd cry for days and sometimes we'd even fight. But today, it…
  • @shadow2soul , @Square1Accountable Thank you!!! This is perfect!
  • These are all beautiful reasons, and I am proud of all of you for recognizing and sharing!! I recently realized that I want to be the 'hot sister' :tongue: But more seriously, this past week I was with my family and I got a glimpse of what my future could be if I don't continue on my path. NO THANK YOU!!
  • Great job everyone!! I only ate a bunch of macarons in Paris! Not a million! Not too shabby :lol: This week with my folks here I practiced a lot of self control. I'm pleased over all. No particular instance stood out, it was just a good week! I also was a little more assertive with them in other areas (there's been some…
  • Wonderful job, everyone! I love reading all your NSVs and celebrating with you guys and gals! :smiley: My parents came to visit! They flew all the way here to Germany! I'm happy to see them and to get a bit of a vacation from work. But with that comes a lot of stressors. "Are you hungry? I'm sure you're hungry. You haven't…
  • Lol and that was my 100th post!! :D :D
  • 100 days logging today!! 👐👐👐
  • I'm so proud of everyone here! Great job!! I ran a half marathon today!!! I did a personal best, too! 2 hours 50 min. It probably doesn't seem that fast to some, and I know I could have done better. But I am still happy with it! Honestly, best of all -- I only trained for like, 3 weeks. In the past I'd train for months and…
  • Way to gooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • @DoubleUbea , normally I do meal prep, but sometimes I just underplan or can't take another rice bowl! And that's where I run into problems and loose focus. This is just a back up plan! I realize that I could be a little more proactive in my prep. For awhile I was suuuper into it and "crazy prepped" (as my husband put…