Are you doing dumbell exercises of 25 lbs for each arm or total? Because if you are wanting to do it to lose fat then I would suggest higher reps at much lower weight. Lots of reps at 10 lbs or even 15 lbs may help you more. But if you are wanting to bulk then you are fine.
How much exercise are you performing? Because if you are doing both cardio as well as weight training then you will need the extra protein. Helps with lean muscle mass. The question I do have is about the breakfast. Are you taking into account the calories from the dairy? Or is that already added into the totals that you…
I'm more curious about why you were reading the Ladies Home Journal. Not so much worried about the diet, as the source. Is that your standard bathroom reading?
This isn't just one thing. It goes much deeper that just your weight on this one. I know that you say there is this great connection with him but I find that hard to believe. Physical attraction is huge in any relationship. By telling you what he is it's not just him saying something about you makes him uncomfortable. If…
I like my hair.
It's so they don't develop calouses. Isn't that what women want in a man? Big muscles and soft hands. And a fanny pack. Gotta have the fanny pack or the gloves just look rediculous.
On the edge of the sink beside the toilet.
I know exactly what it's like to have "that body type". I know that I will never be thin, which I'm ok with. I have a huge head so I'd look top heavy anyways. But I feel your pain man. If you want a friend that's been in the same boat all his life feel free to add me. Us "never been thins" have to unite.
You can't take marrital advice from people who don't know you on a site that is open to pretty much anybody. I can understand both points. But unless someone has been in your position then they don't know. It may not be an issue of trust at all. May just be that it's something that makes him uncomfortable. It happens.…
I'm a loan officer. One of the things I use is hand grip exercises. You can find a cheap pair at walmart with little resistance. It doesn't burn a ton of calories but can add definition to your arms and keep you motivated throughout the day to do something when you get off.