DRJ311 Member


  • ....Couldn't have said it better myself!!!:smile:
  • FYI, there are some cute tankinis, I wouldn't categorize them as "frumpy". IMO, I think even a sexy one piece looks good on any body type. You don't have to be in a bikini to look good or feel sexy. A rouched black one- piece with some cut outs is my go to. H&M or Forever 21. :wink:
  • ^^ This. I am also not anywhere near my goal weight, and I do it. You can certainly do it at ANY weight. It is VERY hard to stick to faithfully, though. Especially time-wise. Month one exercises ranges between 30-45 minutes, then month two is over an hour long workout. I do it every other day, and run on alternate days.…
  • GET A TEST ASAP!!! That would literally make me go crazy not knowing!!! And yes, I have two small children and you would be surprised at how well you know your own body. With my first I was only like 5 days late on my period, but I just felt weird. It's hard to explain but everything you are saying really leans towards…
  • Being a mom of two toddlers, sadly I have had to sacrifice time with them. :brokenheart: I work 8+ hours a day, come home, cook dinner, clean up, give baths, try to spend some time with them, then squeeze in a workout. When I can, I powerwalk on my 15 min breaks at work so I can chop that time off of working out at home.…
  • Try Reduced Fat Mayo with Olive Oil and Cracked Pepper. (Kraft, maybe?) I despise Tuna but my hubby loves this combo.
  • Wow. Apparently not a lot of loving parents on this forum, huh? (LOL) I love my kids and they are so well behaved, but I must admit other peoples kids do get on my nerves.. Not all kids are germ infested booger nosed little brats. But you wouldn't know until you become a parent. I, myself have never brought my kids to…
  • I am on the same page and def feel your pain!! I had two kids pretty much back to back and I am the heaviest I have ever been and it is so frustrating! I started Insanity two weeks ago and have been slacking for the last 5 days... Worse is that I am in a wedding in May so I have to get my azz in check!!! It's so hard with…
  • ^^THIS!! She is soo beautiful. Jennifer Lawrence is too plain.
  • NO THONG!!! (Keep some to the imagination, girl!) Do boy shorts or short spandex shorts.
  • Reese's Kit Kat Twix M&M's (with AND without Peanuts) Candy corn Jolly ranchers Starburst Sweet Tarts ....Obviously I can't choose just one and there's probably more that I can't think of!! Gotta love Halloween lol
  • I know he is famous for NOTHING, but a group of friends and I went to the premiere of the first Sex and The City movie at our local mall and ran into Rob Kardashian and his girlfriend at the time, Adrienne Bailon. So random!
  • This actually came from a friend of mine who is deaf and I hadn't seen her in a couple years: (Picture someone doing a puffy fish face with their cheeks puffed out while pointing at you, and emphasizing your roundness) Yeah. That one hurt more than words!!
  • Second that.
  • Try Almond butter. Its pricey but its sooooo good on rice cakes. (I think its more like 160-170 for 2 tbsp) I like peanut butter but I can do without it. I'm not a die hard peanut butter eater!
  • I LOVE CHICKEN FLAVORED RAMEN!! Don't stop eating it. Sodium is a little high but moderation is key..
  • LMAO!! To Gangnam style post, My 3 year old was obsessed with gangnam style for a straight 7 months. Thank god he's over that!!
  • Alot of good ones on here..BUT my fav is.. "I'll start Monday" ...Monday never comes.
  • I was a sophmore, in between classes in High school. We then went to our American History class, and watched the news the whole time. It was very shocking. Although I had no relatives who were affected, it was very scary and sad. Now that I am older, and I understand more, my heart goes out to ALL the victims and families.…
  • THIS!!!! HAHAHA!! Also the "it's not my job" syndrome, but then they expect YOU to help them, all the time!! Lastly, The I'm the busiest one in the office" coworker. CANNOT STAND THOSE!! We are ALL busy!!
  • LMAO! These are all hilarious!!! There is a town in NY where I live called Coxsackie, NY...Always makes me giggle like I'm a perverted 12 year old.
  • WOW. I can agree with the botox injections kind of messing up her face, but that is a bit harsh considering....well...SHE WAS PREGNANT!! I'm assuming you have never bared any children by that ignorant comment. I have to admit, I am a fan-regardless of how they made their money, they still have a s*** load more than I do!!
  • LMFAO!! Love the squat one! But love the comparison to Jim Carrey more!!! That girl is such a trash bag. Miley, seriously PLEASE stop twerking altogether.... And they think she took the show along with Justin and NSYNC...Yeah right.
  • Def a shopping spreeeee, lol. I have not gone shopping like that in years. Partly due to weight gain/having kids. It's all about them, and I love that, but once I hit that ultimate goal I am going to focus on ME!!
  • PATIENCE... Let's be honest here! You WON'T drop 2 jean sizes in one day, You WON'T lose 50 lbs in one month, THERE ARE NO MAGIC PILLS/SECRETS, You WILL MISS the occasional workout, You ARE going to have bad days, Your weight WILL fluctuate UP and DOWN, You WILL have a few setbacks, YOU ARE HUMAN YOU WILL FAIL SOMETIMES…
  • There's a couple: Eat at a calorie defiicit. Exercise. Lift heavy, when possible. Get a food scale. Portion control. Don't deprive yourself. BE PATIENT. And lastly... YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • Try Skinny girl cocktails. They are all low cal and pretty good...Otherwise, I agree with all the Vodka votes, lol. Plain water is kinda gross, so I would try seltzer-Polar seltzer is 0 cal, and they have yummy flavors. I like Polar seltzer in Buttercream and Vodka on ice. SO GOOD!!
  • It depends. I guess if running is your thing, then by all means get one. I got one thinking, "OK, this will be my cardio workout!" But after a couple months of use, I found other workouts to be more beneficial for my goals, and burn more calories. (IE Circuit training, lifting,) I also found that I liked being outside when…